What is the definition of specter? Want to find out about famous ghost stories from around the world? Is there a connection between folklore, ghosts and spirits? From the battle of Gettysburg ghost stories to the ghosts of Thailand, read about it all.
Specter Behind the Name
Our coffee behind the name blogs are aimed at drawing attention to the paranormal world’s more infamous terms and telling their story. Specter, along with being a Sinister coffee roast, is a term that goes back to ancient times and mythologies. Sit back, enjoy some coffee and read the tale of Specter as best we can tell it.
Definition of Specter
specter (n.) 1774
1: a visible disembodied spirit : GHOST
2: something that haunts or perturbs the mind
Origin of Specter
Originating in the 1600, "frightening ghost," from French spectre "an image, figure, ghost" (16c.), from Latin spectrum "appearance, vision, apparition".
Folklore, Ghosts & Spirits
Specters have appeared in historical writings, folklore and philosophy throughout the world. Branching off from Greek Daemones in the sense that they are or once were living beings that still remain in some capacity on the physical plane. Daemones, explored in a previous coffee behind the name blog, Daemonic, follows the word daemonic as it has evolved throughout history. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of specters is how they are described in different cultures around the world.
Historical Specters
In ancient Mesopotamia, it was believed that ghosts could appear to people on earth if it was thought that they needed to right some kind of wrong. In ancient Egypt, Egyptians believed that if individuals were properly buried with adequate rites and continually remembered, the spirits of the dead could be of great benefit to the living and watch over them throughout their lives. Greek & Romans believed spirits appeared either in dreams or physically usually having to do with some problem surrounding their death.
Ghost Hauntings
Specters have been connected with specific places sometimes for a variety of reasons. Modern day ghost hunters typically explore places that are suspected of ghost hauntings to try make a visually documented connection to what often times is experienced through physical senses. Recently there has been amateur video footage collected of an area where the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. Long thought to be haunted, the area in and around Gettysburg Pennsylvania saw the largest amount of casualties during the American civil war. Along with outdoor areas, houses, brothels and hotels are also sometimes “haunted”. Follow this link to read more about some infamous haunted dwellings.
Montgomery House Investigation
Specters have long been apart of human history. As we have evolved, so has our understanding and views of these supernatural entities. It has only been a recent undertaking of trying to find evidence of the paranormal. With the evolution of scientific discovery and technological advancement, is it really any wonder that we have ended up here? People aren’t expected to just “believe”, they are challenged too through recorded investigations and evidence collected through a variety of mediums. To read more on investigative tools, check out Rem Pods, Spirit Boxes, E.V.P., and E.M.F. readers. To find out about the investigations Sinister Coffee and Creamery has been apart of visit our investigations page. Don’t forget to check out Specter, our organic Peruvian medium roast, and keep it spooky!
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