At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffee, ice cream, and a good paranormal investigation. You can read more about our investigations here. These are the things that define us, and brought this blog to you! Check out our coffee selections and read on!
A big question we get asked is: How do you keep yourself safe during investigations? Ghost investigations often lead us to uncharted territories. While there is no exact formula to any of this, and we cannot tell you what to do, there are some general rules and principles that our investigation crew follows. For more on our paranormal team check out our ABOUT page and check out our investigation videos and experiences HERE.
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setting your intention
The first thing our team does, after filling up on delicious food, is state our intentions for what we want to accomplish at a location. This is an opportunity for each of us to acknowledge what we are hoping to get out of the investigation. It helps create a focus as well as an understanding to each persons desires at a location. We take turns listening and stating what we are hoping to gain from the location. Sometimes it is simply capturing an E.V.P or other digital evidence. Sometimes it is an understanding of what is happening at a location, why it is haunted, or why people have been scared or hurt there. No matter what our attention we go in with an open mind and full stomach.
Closing out your COMMUNICATION
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This is one of the most important parts of protecting yourself and your team during your time at the location. While collecting evidence and trying to communicate, you are in an open state. You are willing to hear or experience and that also leaves you vulnerable. Closing all forms of communication when you are done is one of the best ways to protect yourself from attachments, unwanted followings, or a haunting. Think of it like a phone call or even better a wifi hotspot. Imagine that you have turned your hotspot on for someone to use. Now if you don’t turn it off after, they or someone else can just continue to connect to your wifi. This could happen without you even knowing it. Closing a sessions, gives clear intentions that you are ending your attempts to communicate. It is important to thank the energies around you for participating. You can read more about this in the upcoming Collecting Evidence blog.
what is left behind
Before leaving a session, just as ending communication is important, telling the spirits to stay where they are and not follow you is important. Helping spirits move on should always be handled by someone who has trained in that area and should not be attempted alone. If you feel like there is a need for a spirit to leave a location, we recommend you find a local paranormal team or psychic medium in your area and let them know what is happening. Most of these teams do not charge for their assistance.
Although we can not give you specific things to do and these act only as suggestions and acknowledgements of our practices, cleansing in our opinion is never a bad idea. Sage is the most common among those. It is available in many different forms and easy to carry along. Smudging yourself and the area can help calm restless spirit and is thought to ward off evil or menacing entities. This can be done before and/or after a investigation. Feel free to reach out with your personal experiences with the paranormal. We are here.
Do You Have A Story To Tell?
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*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.