At Sinister Coffee and Creamery, we love coffee, ice cream, and a good paranormal investigation. You can read more about our investigations here. Read Origins Part Two to get the behind the investigation scoop. Today's topic is electro-magnetic field meters. Get ready for an insight into one of the paranormal world’s most fascinating assets when communicating with spirit.
what is an EMF meter?
EMF detectors use highly-sensitive components to find fluctuations in the amount of electric or magnetic energy in a given area. The amount of measurable readings have grown consistently over recent years with the advent of more high-tech devices. EMF meters have found prominence in the field of paranormal investigation.
Electromagnetic Field
e·lec·tro·mag·net·ic field
a field of force that consists of both electric and magnetic components, resulting from the motion of an electric charge and containing a definite amount of electromagnetic energy.
How to Interpret EMF Meters in Ghost Hunting
Interpreting an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) reader during a ghost investigation involves understanding fluctuations in electromagnetic fields that might be correlated with paranormal activity. Before we start an investigation establishing a baseline reading in the area or areas known for paranormal activity is essential for data collection and authenticity. Starting with an understanding of the normal electromagnetic levels in the environment you are focusing on will lead to better placement of your EMF reader and other ghost hunting equipment. Setting the EMF reader in a spot that is not already spiking in electromagnetic energy is a good way to gauge the progress of an investigation. During an investigation, sudden spikes or unusual patterns in EMF readings might indicate the presence of a ghostly entities. It has been a widely held belief in the paranormal world that ghosts and other unknown entities can manipulate electronics and use energy on the electromagnetic scale to communicate. The EMF reader is one device that can be an essential tool for ghost investigators in collecting and validating evidence.
EMF Readers As a Tool In Ghost Hunting
EMF readers are used in conjunction with other devices like night-vision cameras, surveillance devices, motion detectors, walkie-talkies and digital voice recorders. They are used to rule out external contamination or help provide evidence of spiritual energy. EMF readers are a tool in ghost detecting, they can detect changes in the environment and often are used in conjunction with temperature gauges. EMF readers are rarely if ever used on their own at an investigation. Check out how an EMF meter is used by the PNWPC at a known Oregon haunt!
EMF readings in Haunted Locations
During an investigation we use the EMF readers to first detect whether or not there is current around where we are placing our equipment. This helps us later when we are reviewing footage by ruling out external factors present at a location. EMF readings and footage was gathered at Wolf Creek Inn, Lakewood Theatre of the Arts, Montgomery House, Lafayette Cemetary to name a few. Check out our other equipment blog E.V.P. that explores the use of digital recordings and their importance in ghost hunting.
EMF and Ghosts
Investigations are often done at night in the dark to limit the amount of electromagnetic interference with data collecting. Night investigating limits the amount of man-made contamination such as the use of electronics, devices, appliances etc. that give off their own energy fields. Starting at a place with no EMF readings any spikes in EMF meters during investigations are brief. The idea being that it takes quite a bit of energy for spirits to communicate. EMF surges can be intense, brief and then abruptly ending.
More Ghost Hunting Equipment
Next we explore the REM POD
Staying up late is no problem with our high caffeine Clairvoyant coffee. It won’t give you any medium like abilities but it will help you stay alert when prowling the night for paranormal activity.
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*We do not recommend any kind of investigation without proper safety measures. We also do not recommend instigating entities for fun or entertainment. We take our investigations very seriously and offer many follow ups to ensure we have left the places in better shape then we found it.